is a time of change in public education, and the responsibility to deal with
this change falls directly on local boards of education. Seeing that each district complies with
new laws and meets the community’s expectations for its schools is the job of
the school board, the most grass-roots level of government.
Here in New York
State there are 697 school districts, and all but three are overseen by
non-partisan elected boards of local citizens who serve without pay. School
board members are elected as individuals by their communities, but all decision-making is done as a corporate body. As trustees, board members have great
authority; as individuals, they have none.
These volunteers model an impressive commitment to their
communities’ well being. Most
school board members say they are motivated by a desire to give back to their
communities. By the time school
board members attend board meetings, visit schools, attend programs in their
district’s schools, attend training programs, and complete the required reading
of materials, reports, and background information, they typically spend a
minimum of 500 hours each year on their board responsibilities. Many board members, especially board
officers, spend much more than that, well over 1000 hours.
occupies all those hours? What
follows is a brief description of the legal responsibilities of school boards
here in New York State. Complying
with all the new laws and how boards function will be covered in future blog
Legal obligations of
school boards:
The school board is the chief legal entity of the district. The board can enter into legal
contracts on behalf of the district.
The board can sue and be sued.
Each newly elected or reelected board member takes an oath of office
that they will comply with all legal obligations that apply to the district.
Public education is governed by Education Law as well as Labor Law, General
Municipal Law, Real Property Tax Law, Local Finance Law, Public Officers Law,
decisions of the Commissioner of Education, and federal law.
boards have the authority and the obligation to adopt policies for their
districts, many of which are required by state and federal law. School boards
are primarily policy- making bodies.
Well thought out policies make a district work well by providing the
guidance the staff needs for many situations. School boards develop policies for the admission,
instruction, discipline, grading, and, when appropriate, the classification of
students. School boards also must adopt a Code of Conduct for the district and
ensure that it is disseminated annually through the district. Additional policies specify many other
aspects of district operations.
school board must hire a superintendent.
Hiring a capable superintendent is one of the board’s most important
The superintendent will take the board’s policies and then will use them
to manage the everyday operation of the district. The superintendent is like
the CEO of a district.
boards receive and then act on superintendent recommendations. Among other
things, these include tenure recommendations, negotiated contracts, and the
hiring of personnel.
boards must be responsible stewards of all the district’s assets and property,
which constitutes a significant investment of community resources. The school
board is responsible for purchasing, leasing, maintaining, and insuring all
buildings, properties, equipment, and supplies.
boards must prepare an operating budget each year and then submit it to the
public for a vote to either approve or reject it. Boards in the Big Five districts submit their budgets to
their city councils.
School boards must set annual goals and then monitor progress
meeting them.
School boards must comply with the Sunshine
Laws that require all board meetings to be held in public where anyone can
attend and listen. With limited
exceptions, all school board discussions about making decisions and the decisions
themselves must be made in public.
Strict executive session rules limit private discussions to certain
personnel matters, issues concerning specific students, and real estate and
contract negotiations where a public discussion would weaken the board’s
ability to obtain a good result.
boards act as judges at the final level of local appeals in complaints against
the district. Due process rights for someone with a grievance against the
district begins at the building level, moves to the superintendent, and finally
goes to the board.
In addition, school boards are also authorized to receive and
approve charter school applications for schools to be operated within district
boundaries and are the only entity that may approve the conversion of one of
their existing public schools into a charter school.