Someone recently asked me, “What does it mean to be College
and Career Ready?” That particular
phrase is regularly used by every state and national education leader, and it
appears in virtually every communication from the State Education
Department. The singular purpose behind adopting
the Common Core Curriculum was that it was believed that these standards will
make students College and Career Ready.
Well, what does that mean?
The definition begins with the highly commendable goal that
all students should be ready for college study or to begin their working careers
when they graduate from high school. But
being ready for the Fashion Institute of Technology and Caltech require different
sets of readiness skills. And for the
student who masters welding at the BOCES 2 WE-MO-CO Career and Technical
Education Center, readiness means preparation to walk right into a skilled job
with a metals fabrication company.
How can the State Education Department characterize
readiness for such different paths in terms that will be meaningful? Given
the desire to find ways to objectively evaluate students, the department has
developed a general standard for readiness.
Relying on a review of student high school records compared with the
performance of college freshman, they deduced that for students to be able to
do C work or better in college, they need to have received a score of at least
75 on their English Regents and an 80 on their math Regents.
The high school graduation rate used to be the standard for
measuring a school’s effectiveness. But
now, as a result of the conclusions about freshman year performance, the State
Education Department reports how many students meet this 75/80 achievement
level. They report how many students
graduated and also how many graduated College and Career Ready. But when readiness is defined so numerically, does it really tell the public if students are prepared for the career path they want to pursue? Simply meeting the readiness standard will not help a student get into Caltech, and missing the standard does not mean someone won’t thrive at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Doing well on the English and math Regents exams is certainly an important goal, but when the public is told that students are not ready for college or career, they need to know if that decision is based on a full assessment of a student’s preparation and abilities.
state is trying to set a meaningful standard.
The question is, is this a meaningful and appropriate standard for all
students? If all the students do not
meet this particular standard, does it mean a school has failed? If a particular student does not meet this
standard, does that mean the child is a failure?