The Common Core standards and testing regimen are receiving
a lot of attention here this week.
Monday night the two local members of the Board of Regents took
questions from a large gathering of school administrators, superintendents,
teachers, and school board members. The local
newspaper is running a lengthy article explaining the Common Core standards and
school testing. And one local television
station is administering the 3rd and 4th grade state
exams to a group of adults to get their reaction to the controversial
Today the Commissioner is holding a community forum here for
the public. This particular forum is one of the recently arranged public meetings
scheduled in response to the outcry after the Commissioner abruptly cancelled
all his public forums following a particularly contentious evening.
With all that in mind, what follows is a guest post, a perspective
on the Common Core standards, submitted by Sherry Johnson, MCSBA Assistant to
Executive Director.
From Sherry:
There has been a lot of fallout from the recent cancellation
of Commissioner John King’s PTA forums. People
angry with the State Education Department’s (SED) current reform agenda have become
angrier and misinformation abounds, much of it associated with the Common Core
The issues around New York’s education reform agenda are
many, but the Common Core standards themselves shouldn’t be the target. Most teachers, administrators and other
education leaders who have dedicated their own education and careers to helping
children learn and succeed believe that these standards do offer a better
opportunity for students to become higher achievers. The Fordham Institute compared every state’s
current standards to the Common Core standards.
In NYS for English Language Arts, the state received a “C” whereas the
Common Core standards were given a B+.
In Math, the state was graded a “B” and the Common Core standards an
A-. While you can argue whether this is
or isn’t a large enough grade variation to make the change, it was primarily the
desire for “Race to the Top” dollars that drove SED to adopt them.
The real issues causing all of the uproar are about
implementation and testing. On the SED
Engage NY website, the catch phrase has been “we are building the plane as it
flies in the air.” Any
pilot will tell you that planes are fully constructed and test piloted before
passengers are allowed on board. Their
own lives, the lives of their passengers and the future of the airline company,
depend on that plane being delivered safely to its destination. So why such an analogy?
SED made the decision early on, that regardless of where
schools were with their implementation, they would test kids on these new
standards, knowing full well that scores would be dismal. They believed people would accept and support
this “work in progress” agenda. But at
the district level, educators were trying desperately to get curricular gaps
identified, new curriculum written and teachers trained while simultaneously
negotiating APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) agreements with their
teaching units. This work was further
complicated by a steady stream of changing guidance from SED; some of it even after
their own deadlines had passed.
The work of the reform agenda has also been extraordinarily
expensive, far exceeding anything districts were led to expect when they signed
on. Leaders in the education field,
pleading for more time and resources to do this right so that new curriculum
could be delivered in a quality manner were told no, and thus the poor results
are not surprising to them.
Imagine signing up for a course at your local college and
after taking the time and energy to complete the course, you are given a test
with questions about information you haven’t been taught. Now imagine that the results of this same
test which your instructor didn’t develop, didn’t know what questions would be
asked and can’t determine whether you have passed or failed is used to measure
their competence as an instructor.
That is what teachers and their students endured this
year. Logic and experience tells us that
a plane being built in the air while flying can’t deliver its precious cargo safely
to its destination. The Common Core
standards are not the problem here. The
natural consequence of not listening to the professionals in the field who
asked simply to be allowed to finish building the plane before putting children
in it, has placed Commissioner King and SED in the uncomfortable position of
having to explain to many upset parents and others why they thought this was a
good idea in the first place.
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